Both the once addicted and the once betrayed have a story to share. We talk about how it went the first time we shared. You may feel you don't have a safe place to to share, but that is a lie that satan gets into our thoughts and emotions to keep us locked in our fear. We share our thoughts about which groups worked for us, please tell us which groups have worked for you?

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📓 Show Notes & More Resources ||

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- 1:00 -  “...brokenness connects us to each other, and our brokenness brings us to Christ. It is by bringing our broken hearts to Him that we are made whole.  Sharing our brokenness brings meaning to our experiences, and the connection we make with others when we share our stories brings healing.”
- 3:40 - Clark’s reason 1: it’s a safe place to start sharing
- 6:27 - Matthew 5:27-30
- 8:33 - Clark’s reason 2: Connection beats addiction
- 9:30 - Moroni 6:5 And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.
- 10:22 - Clark’s reason 3: Go to learn
- 11:02 - Clark’s reason 4: Go to practice
- 12:45 - Clark’s Reason 5: Go to Serve
- 15:13 - Maurice Quote for the betrayed “If it’s happened to you, it’s your story…”
Maurice Quote for the addicted "When you misbehave, you relinquish your freedom from it being "out in the world."
- 20:47 - #BreneBrown Quote: “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”
- 24:40 - More Maurice wisdom: the addicted might think once they’ve shared with the bishop, their wife should be done with the pain.
- 26:27 - Over 300 GC talks on pornography since 1977 in LDS Gospel Library App
- 26:38 - President Spencer W. Kimball quote (Oct 1974): “May I bring to your attention another of the giant Goliath's that may challenge you and stand in your way. His name this time is pornography or filthiness.”

**HOMEWORK** (28:43)
Homework - Homework: Find a group meeting you can attend or at least listen to one.



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Disclaimer: The Clark N Linda Show includes thoughts, opinions, experiences, and testimonies of hosts Clark & Linda Winegar. The information shared is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional sexual addiction therapy, betrayal trauma therapy, marriage counseling/therapy or legal advice. Please seek professional help for recovery & healing. You know, like from people who actually went to school or have had more than just 1st hand experience with this. Also, said thoughts, opinions, experiences, and testimonies represent those of two individual members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BUT we do not claim to represent or speak for The Church in any official capacity. Expressed views and opinions should not be construed as official church doctrine—though we’ll certainly try not to stray far from it and hope someone calls us out if we do.